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Showing posts from 2017

Skeleton-dragon and Elon Musk

Today was another interesting and challenging day full of new discoveries....This is Arian's 'skeleton-dragon' and I love the bones (femur, tibia, fibula, carples, metacarpels, etc...). He threw loads of tantrums and wanting new Lego bits and then we read an amazing article about Elon Musk, his commitment and the research around happiness and the definition of flow. It was helpful to discuss this with Arian and while explaining terms and concepts to him, I realised different strategies for approaching my own business.  Here's a link to the article - personal-growth/ elon-musk-how-to-sustain-mo tivation-b0ddfebe3a5e                                                        Some days are more challenging than others and it's more to do with our mindsets, expectations of each other, ...

Questions about Home education, what we do and what we did today....

THE MULLING BEGINS We are often asked about our home education journey, what we do, how we do it, why we do it and so on. Some of these questions seem to be born out of curiosity, while other questions seem laced with a sense of shock. judgement and the occasional malice that possibly seems to stem from the fear of the unknown and not wanting to swim against the tide or go against whatever is perceived as the norm.  I have thought a lot about it and I have decided that I need to write about our journey, not just on social media, but have a place where I can post any reflections that our kids or either of us have, as parents and as a family. I am happy to discuss why we do what we do and how we do it and would ask those interested in being open and broadening their mindsets to look at resources that I intend to post along the way, as we broaden and enrich our own knowledge along our journey. There's a lot of research out there to back environments that are creative and s...