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Showing posts from 2020

Is the Scottish education system racist?

In my previous blog post entitled ‘ Just listen… please ’ , I shared some of my explorations into systemic racism using the links between education and the lack of teacher training, what this looks like for POC and my family’s lived experiences. Identity and erasure of identities is an important and oft-discussed topic in education within Black and Brown communities because policies that exist are inadequate and practices don’t extend towards acknowledging the pain of the lived experiences of Black and Brown people. Diversity and inclusion are commonly favoured and politicised words that offer the illusion of equality but true equality doesn’t require displacement and redistribution of power – it entails an actual look at the systemic racism that causes this imbalance and profits off its historically unequal power imbalances. Scotland has long held onto feelings of oppression and discrimination from England without understanding the role played by the Scots as oppressors in colonial ...

Just listen.... please!

I came across a brilliant article by Sofie Bergland  who is with the University of York, Western Norway University of Applied Sciences.  This article by Sofie looks at the discourse or the lack of it on race and racism in teacher training and education in Britain and Norway & its impact on students. Here's a link to the article- It's been evident for quite a while now that our education system is long overdue for an overhaul - at least it has been to those who are under-represented and who seemingly don't exist in Britain's historical landscape. Britain just came to be, somehow, because she was entitled to vast riches that cascaded down from above or somewhere else... who knows...right? The lack of acknowledgement around Britain's colonial history and its implicit erasure of identities is at the heart of imparting education that is whitewashed. This is a monumental problem as it only encou...